Books by Richards, Laura Elizabeth Howe (sorted alphabetically)
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Abigail Adams and Her Times Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Captain January Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
daughter of Jehu Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Fernley House Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Five Mice in a Mouse-trap, by the Man in the Moon. Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Five Minute Stories Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Florence Nightingale, the Angel of the Crimea: A Story for Young People Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Geoffrey Strong Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Golden-Breasted Kootoo, and Other Stories Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Grandmother: The Story of a Life That Never Was Lived Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Green Satin Gown Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Hildegarde's Harvest Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Hildegarde's Holiday: A Story for Girls Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Hildegarde's Home Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Hildegarde's Neighbors Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Honor Bright: A Story for Girls Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
In My Nursery Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Isla Heron Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Jim of Hellas, or In Durance Vile; The Troubling of Bethesda Pool Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Joan of Arc Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Joyous Story of Toto Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910 Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards, Florence Howe Hall, and Maud Howe Elliott
Margaret Montfort Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Marie Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Melody : The Story of a Child Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
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