Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically by author)
Let's Cook Meat: Recipes You'll Like National Live Stock and Meat Board
How to Cook in Casserole Dishes Marion Harris Neil
The Story of Crisco Marion Harris Neil
Delicious Recipes: Including Toll House Chocolate Cookies Nestlé
Hand-book on cheese making George E. Newell
The Gourmet's Guide to London Lieut.-Col. Newnham-Davis
Dinners and Diners: Where and How to Dine in London Lieut.-Col. Newnham-Davis
To Your Kitchen From Mine Betty Newton
Directions for Cooking by Troops, in Camp and Hospital Florence Nightingale
The History of Esculent Fish Roger North
Wild Ducks: How to Rear and Shoot Them W. Coape Oates
All-Time Favorite Cranberry Recipes Inc. Ocean Spray Cranberries
Dr A. Oetkers Grundlehren der Kochkunst (German) August Oetker
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools Ontario. Department of Education
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Management Ontario. Department of Education
Choice Cookery Catherine Owen
Ten Dollars Enough: Keeping House Well on Ten Dollars a Week Catherine Owen
Culture and Cooking; Or, Art in the Kitchen Catherine Owen
The Dyer's Guide Thomas Packer
Guide to Hotel Housekeeping Mary E. Palmer
From Kitchen to Garret: Hints for young householders J. E. Panton
Nooks and Corners J. E. Panton
La maniere d'amolir les os, et de faire cuire toutes sortes de viandes en fort peu de temps, & à peu de frais. (French) Denis Papin
Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris, or, A garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers which our English ayre will permitt to be noursed vp John Parkinson
Miss Parloa's Young Housekeeper Maria Parloa