Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically by author)
Cups and Their Customs George Edwin Roberts and M. D. Henry Porter
The Still-Room Harry Roberts and Mrs. Charles Roundell
Guano: A Treatise of Practical Information for Farmers Solon Robinson
Mushroom Culture: Its Extension and Improvement W. Robinson
Something about sugar : Its history, growth, manufacture and distribution George M. Rolph
The Century Cook Book Mary Ronald
Luncheons: A Cook's Picture Book Mary Ronald
Vegetarian supplement to Scientific feeding Dora C. C. L. Roper
Food for the traveler : what to eat and why Dora C. C. L. Roper
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs S. T. Rorer
Twenty Quick Soups S. T. Rorer
Ice Creams, Water Ices, Frozen Puddings Together with Refreshments for all Social Affairs S. T. Rorer
Made-Over Dishes S. T. Rorer
Sandwiches S. T. Rorer
Fifteen New Ways for Oysters S. T. Rorer
Everyday Foods in War Time Mary Swartz Rose
La vera cuciniera genovese (Italian) Emanuele Rossi
Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen; or, How to cook vegetables Janet Ross
Billy in Bunbury Royal Baking Powder Company
Royal fruit gelatin suggestions Royal Baking Powder Company
The royal baker and pastry cook : A manual of practical cookery Royal Baking Powder Company
The New Dr. Price Cookbook Royal Baking Powder Company
New Royal Cook Book Royal Baking Powder Company
Cocina del tiempo, ó arte de preparar sabrosos y exquisitos platos propios de cada estación (Spanish) Luis Ruiz Contreras
New system of domestic cookery, formed upon principles of economy, and adapted to the use of private families Maria Eliza Ketelby Rundell