Books in Browsing: Crime/Mystery (sorted alphabetically)
Kellanpunainen timantti (Finnish) J. S. Fletcher
Kentucky's Famous Feuds and Tragedies Charles Gustavus Mutzenberg
Killer J. T. Oliver
Kingdom of the Blind E. Phillips Oppenheim
King of Diamonds: A Tale of Mystery and Adventure Louis Tracy
Knock three-one-two Fredric Brown
Knots Untied; Or, Ways and By-ways in the Hidden Life of American Detectives George S. McWatters
Known to the Police Thomas Holmes
Kolmetoista vuotta Pähkinälinnassa (Finnish) Anonymous
Korkea oikeus istuu : Yksinäytöksinen ilveily (Finnish) Martti Wuori
Kostajan kourissa: Salapoliisikertomus (Finnish) Sven Elvestad
Kultakuoriainen y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) Edgar Allan Poe
Kuparilipas (Finnish) J. S. Fletcher
La Chance Mine Mystery Susan Morrow Jones
Lady from Nowhere: A Detective Story Fergus Hume
lady in black Florence Warden
Lady Jim of Curzon Street: A Novel Fergus Hume
Lady Molly of Scotland Yard Baroness Emmuska Orczy Orczy
Lake Mystery Marvin Dana
Lanagan, Amateur Detective Edward H. Hurlbut
Larry Dexter and the bank mystery : or, Exciting days in Wall Street Raymond Sperry
Larry Dexter and the Stolen Boy; or, A Young Reporter on the Lakes Howard Roger Garis
Last of Mrs. DeBrugh H. Sivia
Last of the Bushrangers: An Account of the Capture of the Kelly Gang Francis Augustus Hare
Last Stroke: A Detective Story Lawrence L. Lynch