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Displaying results 1–25
The sacred theory of the Earth, Volume 1 : Containing an account of the original of the Earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things.
Thomas Burnet
Some old masters of Greek architecture
Harry Douglas
The coins of India
C. J. Brown
Onni maallinen : Murhenäytelmä (Finnish)
Lauri Haarla
The Nile quest : a record of the exploration of the Nile and its basin
Harry Johnston
The just steward
Richard Dehan
Anthropoid apes
Robert Hartmann
Ocellus Lucanus on the nature of the universe : Taurus, the Platonic philosopher, on the eternity of the world. Julius Firmicus Maternus of the thema mundi. Select theorems on the perpetuity of time, by Proclus.
Proclus, Tauros, and Julius Firmicus Maternus
Sophonisbe : Murhenäytelmä (Finnish)
Lauri Haarla
The early history of the Hebrews
A. H. Sayce
Hellas : Griechisches Leben und altklassischer Geist in deutscher Wiedergeburt (German)
La Palingenesi di Roma : (da Livio a Machiavelli) (Italian)
Guglielmo Ferrero and Leo Ferrero
La giovinezza di Giulio Cesare, Volume 2 (of 2) (Italian)
Giuseppe Rovani
La giovinezza di Giulio Cesare, Volume 1 (of 2) (Italian)
Giuseppe Rovani
A literal translation of the Saxon chronicle
The old and the new Peru : A story of the ancient inheritance and the modern growth and enterprise of a great nation
Marie Robinson Wright
The Greek orators
J. F. Dobson
Siwa : the oasis of Jupiter Ammon
Sir Charles Dalrymple Belgrave
Mexican archæology : an introduction to the archæology of the Mexican and Mayan civilizations of pre-Spanish America
Thomas Athol Joyce
Matkamuistelmia Egyptistä, Siinailta ja Palestiinasta 1859-1860 (Finnish)
G. E. Beskow
Gala Placidia : Tragedia en tres actes (Catalan)
Angel Guimerá
The greatest story in the world, period 2 (of 3) : The further story of the Old World up to the discovery of the New
Horace G. Hutchinson
The greatest story in the world, period 1 (of 3) : [From the earliest times to A. D. 100]
Horace G. Hutchinson
Aztec place-names : Their meaning and mode of composition
Frederick Starr
A summary of the history, construction and effects in warfare of the projectile-throwing engines of the ancients, with a treatise on the structure, power and management of Turkish and other Oriental bows of mediæval and later times
Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey
Displaying results 1–25