Books in Browsing: History - Ancient (sorted alphabetically)
Cleopatra — Complete Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 02 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 03 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 05 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 06 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 07 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 08 Georg Ebers
Cleopatra — Volume 09 Georg Ebers
Comedias, tomo 1 de 3 : Los Acarnienses, los Caballeros, las Nubes (Spanish) Aristophanes
Commentaries of Cæsar Anthony Trollope
Commentarii de Bello Gallico, Libri V-VIII (Latin) Julius Caesar
Commentary on Herodotus J. Wells and W. W. How
Compendio del derecho público romano (Spanish) Theodor Mommsen
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia (1 de 2) (Spanish) J.-J. Barthélemy
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia (2 de 2) (Spanish) J.-J. Barthélemy
Conspiracy of Catiline and the Jurgurthine War Sallust
Craft of Athenian Pottery Gisela M. A. Richter
Critias Plato
Crito (Latin) Plato
C. Sallusti Crispi De Bello Catilinario Et Jugurthino (Latin) Sallust
Cyropaedia: The Education of Cyrus Xenophon
Cyrus the Great Jacob Abbott
dawn of astronomy Sir Norman Lockyer
Dawn of History: An Introduction to Pre-Historic Study C. F. Keary
De Amicitia, Scipio's Dream Marcus Tullius Cicero