Books in Browsing: History - Ancient (sorted by popularity)
Matkamuistelmia Egyptistä, Siinailta ja Palestiinasta 1859-1860 (Finnish) G. E. Beskow 121 downloads
Mexican Copper Tools: The Use of Copper by the Mexicans Before the Conquest; and the Katunes of Maya History, a Chapter in the Early History of Central America, With Special Reference to the Pio Perez Manuscript. Philipp J. J. Valentini 120 downloads
Obras dramáticas de Eurípides (2 de 3) (Spanish) Euripides 120 downloads
A few days in Athens Frances Wright 120 downloads
Compendio del viaje del joven Anacarsis a la Grecia (1 de 2) (Spanish) J.-J. Barthélemy 119 downloads
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 10: Vespasian Suetonius 119 downloads
De Graecorum Medicis Publicis (Latin) Rudolf Pohl 118 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 01 Georg Ebers 116 downloads
Akhnaton, King of Egypt Dmitry Sergeyevich Merezhkovsky 115 downloads
Persephone of Eleusis: A Romance of Ancient Greece Clare Winger Harris 114 downloads
Arachne — Volume 01 Georg Ebers 112 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 08 Georg Ebers 111 downloads
Life and literature in the Roman republic Tenney Frank 110 downloads
Gala Placidia : Tragedia en tres actes (Catalan) Angel Guimerá 108 downloads
Herodotoksen historia-teos III-VI (Finnish) Herodotus 108 downloads
Puhe runoilija Archiaan puolustukseksi (Finnish) Marcus Tullius Cicero 107 downloads
Ojennusnuora (Finnish) Epictetus 107 downloads
Herodotoksen historia-teos VII-IX (Finnish) Herodotus 106 downloads
The Political Institutions of the Ancient Greeks Basil Edward Hammond 106 downloads
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 08: Otho Suetonius 105 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 08 Georg Ebers 105 downloads
Uarda : a Romance of Ancient Egypt — Volume 10 Georg Ebers 103 downloads
Algemeene Geschiedenis in Verhalen: Oudheid (Dutch) H. Solger 103 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 09 Georg Ebers 103 downloads
An Egyptian Princess — Volume 04 Georg Ebers 103 downloads