Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted alphabetically)
- lotta politica in Italia, Volume 1 (of 3) (Italian) Alfredo Oriani
- lotta politica in Italia, Volume 2 (of 3) (Italian) Alfredo Oriani
- lotta politica in Italia, Volume 3 (of 3) (Italian) Alfredo Oriani
- lotte di classe in Francia dal 1848 al 1850 (Italian) Karl Marx
- Louisa of Prussia and Her Times: A Historical Novel L. Mühlbach
- Louise, Queen of Prussia Heinrich Merz
- Louis Philippe John S. C. Abbott
- Louis XI et Les États Pontificaux de France au XVe siècle (French) R. Rey
- Louis XIV and La Grande Mademoiselle, 1652-1693 Arvède Barine
- Louis XIV et Marie Mancini d'après de nouveaux documents (French) R. de Chantelauze
- Louis XIV. John S. C. Abbott
- loup blanc (French) Paul Féval
- love-affairs of the Condés (1530-1740) H. Noel Williams
- Love affairs of the Courts of Europe Thornton Hall
- Love-at-arms : being a narrative excerpted from the chronicles of Urbino, during the dominion of the high and mighty Messer Guidobaldo da Montefeltro Rafael Sabatini
- Love Romances of the Aristocracy Thornton Hall
- Löwe von Flandern: ein historische Roman aus Alt-Belgien (German) Hendrik Conscience
- Lucerne G. Flemwell
- lucha por la vida: Aurora roja (Spanish) Pío Baroja
- Lucrecia Borja: Estudio Histórico (Spanish) W. R. de Villa-Urrutia
- Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day Ferdinand Gregorovius
- Lucrezia Borgia secondo documenti e carteggi del tempo (Italian) Ferdinand Gregorovius
- Ludwig the Second, King of Bavaria Clara Tschudi
- Lure of Old London Sophie Cole
- Lusitania's Last Voyage Jr. Charles Emelius Lauriat