Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
The court of Louis XV Imbert de Saint-Amand 220 downloads
Geyer und das Obererzgebirge in Sage und Geschichte (German) Hermann Lungwitz and Max Grohmann 220 downloads
Italian Yesterdays, vol. 1 Mrs. Hugh Fraser 220 downloads
Fair Margaret H. Rider Haggard 220 downloads
The Irish Crisis Charles E. Trevelyan 220 downloads
Russia, as Seen and Described by Famous Writers 220 downloads
My First Battle: A Sergeant's Story Adam Mickiewicz 220 downloads
A Smaller History of Greece: from the Earliest Times to the Roman Conquest William Smith 219 downloads
The Second Funeral of Napoleon William Makepeace Thackeray 219 downloads
Napoleon: A Sketch of His Life, Character, Struggles, and Achievements Thomas E. Watson 219 downloads
雞肋編 (Chinese) Chuo Zhuang 219 downloads
The Soil (La terre): A Realistic Novel Émile Zola 219 downloads
A Floating Home Cyril Ionides and J. B. Atkins 219 downloads
English Battles and Sieges in the Peninsula. William Francis Patrick Napier 219 downloads
Lady Bell, Volume 1 (of 3) : A story of last century Sarah Tytler 219 downloads
The Rise of the Dutch Republic — Complete (1555-84) John Lothrop Motley 219 downloads
The Memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz, Volume I Freiherr von Karl Ludwig Pöllnitz 219 downloads
The Paston Letters, A.D. 1422-1509. Volume 5 (of 6) 219 downloads
Europe in the Middle Ages Ierne L. Plunket 218 downloads
History of the United Netherlands, 1590-99 — Complete John Lothrop Motley 218 downloads
The Ports, Harbours, Watering-places and Picturesque Scenery of Great Britain Vol. 2 W. Finden 218 downloads
Roman History, Books I-III Livy 218 downloads
A Journal of Impressions in Belgium May Sinclair 218 downloads
Van Brussel naar Karema: Geschiedenis eener Belgische Kolonie in Midden-Afrika (Dutch) A.-J. Wauters 218 downloads
Historical Description of Westminster Abbey, Its Monuments and Curiosities Anonymous 218 downloads