Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Proceedings of the expedition to explore the northern coast of Africa, from Tripoly eastward : in MDCCCXXI. and MDCCCXXII., comprehending an account of the Greater Syrtis and Cyrenaica; and of the ancient cities composing the pentapolis Frederick William Beechey and H. W. Beechey
De afsluiting en droogmaking der Zuiderzee. Weerlegging van bezwaren. (Dutch) A. A. Beekman
De Scheepsjongen van "De Gouden Leeuw" (Dutch) Johannes Hendrik Been
Maerten Harpertsz. Tromp: Een zeemanszoon uit de 17de eeuw (Dutch) Johannes Hendrik Been
Wanderings in Patagonia; Or, Life Among the Ostrich-Hunters Julius Beerbohm
Milton's Tercentenary Henry A. Beers
The Loss of the S. S. Titanic: Its Story and Its Lessons Lawrence Beesley
The Loss of the S. S. Titanic Lawrence Beesley
Queen Elizabeth Edward Spencer Beesly
Five Months at Anzac Joseph Lievesley Beeston
The Story of Baden-Powell: 'The Wolf That Never Sleeps' Harold Begbie
Le registre d'écrou de la Bastille de 1782 à 1789 (French) A. Bégis
Shout treason : the trial of Aaron Burr Francis F. Beirne
My Three Years in a German Prison Henri Béland
Mille et un jours en prison à Berlin (French) Henri Béland
Osservazioni sullo stato attuale dell'Italia e sul suo avvenire (Italian) Cristina Belgioioso
Studi intorno alla storia della Lombardia (Italian) Cristina Belgioioso
La vita intima e la vita nomade in Oriente (Italian) Cristina Belgioioso
The Martyrdom of Belgium des lois et des coutumes de la guerre Belgium. Commission d'enquête sur la violation des règles du droit des gens and Gerard Cooreman
The Church on the changing frontier : a study of the homesteader and his church Helen Olive Belknap
Art Clive Bell
The antiquities of Bridgnorth : with some historical notices of the town and castle George Bellett
Memoirs of a griffin : Or, A cadet's first year in India Francis John Bellew
From the Indus to the Tigris : A narrative of a journey through the countries of Balochistan, Afghanistan, Khorassan and Iran, in 1872, together with a synoptical grammar and vocabulary of the Brahoe language, and a record of the meteorological observations and altitudes on the march from the Indus to the Tigris H. W. Bellew
The First Canadians in France F. McKelvey Bell