Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted by popularity)
The Story of Ancient Irish Civilization P. W. Joyce 427 downloads
History of Central America, Volume 1, 1501-1530 Hubert Howe Bancroft 427 downloads
The Treaty With China, its Provisions Explained Mark Twain 427 downloads
Holinshed Chronicles: England, Scotland, and Ireland. Volume 1, Complete Raphael Holinshed and William Harrison 426 downloads
An Introduction to the History of Western Europe James Harvey Robinson 426 downloads
Early Days in North Queensland Edward Palmer 426 downloads
The Memoirs of François René Vicomte de Chateaubriand sometime Ambassador to England, Volume 4 (of 6) vicomte de François-René Chateaubriand 426 downloads
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 11 (di 15) (Italian) Cesare Cantù 426 downloads
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 6 Edward Gibbon 425 downloads
In Freedom's Cause : A Story of Wallace and Bruce G. A. Henty 425 downloads
The 116th Battalion in France E. P. S. Allen 425 downloads
International Conference Held at Washington for the Purpose of Fixing a Prime Meridian and a Universal Day. October, 1884. D.C.) International Meridian Conference (1884 : Washington 425 downloads
Across China on Foot Edwin John Dingle 425 downloads
Notes and Queries, Number 56, November 23, 1850 Various 425 downloads
Old English Chronicles 424 downloads
The Chronicles of Crime or The New Newgate Calendar. v. 2/2 Camden Pelham 424 downloads
Schetsen uit Amerika en Tafereelen uit Italië (Dutch) Charles Dickens 424 downloads
快士傳 (Chinese) ju ren 1738 Wuseshizhuren 424 downloads
The World's Greatest Books — Volume 09 — Lives and Letters 424 downloads
Platonism in English poetry of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries John Smith Harrison 423 downloads
The history of the damnable life and deserved death of Doctor John Faustus, 1592, together with The second report of Faustus, containing his appearances and the deeds of Wagner, 1594. 423 downloads
The Story of Paris Thomas Okey 423 downloads
Mythen & Legenden van Japan (Dutch) F. Hadland Davis 423 downloads
Gallipoli Diary, Volume 1 Ian Hamilton 423 downloads
All Afloat: A Chronicle of Craft and Waterways William Wood 422 downloads