Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
- Beyond the Marne: Quincy, Huiry, Voisins before and during the battle Henriette Cuvru-Magot
- In the World War Graf Ottokar Theobald Otto Maria Czernin von und zu Chudenitz
- Over the Canadian Battlefields John Wesley Dafoe
- Women wanted: The story written in blood red letters on the horizon of the Great World War Mabel Potter Daggett
- Taistelu Roomasta II (Finnish) Felix Dahn
- A Struggle for Rome, v. 3 Felix Dahn
- A Struggle for Rome, v. 1 Felix Dahn
- The Waterloo Roll Call Charles Dalton
- With British Guns in Italy: A Tribute to Italian Achievement Baron Hugh Dalton Dalton
- From the Rapidan to Richmond and the Spottsylvania Campaign William Meade Dame
- Recollections of the Civil War Charles A. Dana
- The Battles in Flanders, from Ypres to Neuve Chapelle Edmund Dane
- The Battle of the Rivers Edmund Dane
- Hacking Through Belgium Edmund Dane
- Ships of the seven seas Hawthorne Daniel
- Our Navy at war Josephus Daniels
- Cent-vingt jours de service actif (French) Charles R. Daoust
- Biribi: Discipline militaire (French) Georges Darien
- Alf's Button W. A. Darlington
- A journal containing an accurate and interesting account of the hardships, sufferings, battles, defeat, and captivity of those heroic Kentucky volunteers and regulars, commanded by General Winchester, in the year 1812-13 Elias Darnell
- Deeds of a Great Railway G. R. S. Darroch
- Robert Helmont: Diary of a Recluse, 1870-1871 Alphonse Daudet
- Robert Curthose, Duke of Normandy Charles W. David
- Le Héros de Châteauguay (French) L.-O. David
- The Incomparable 29th and the "River Clyde" George Davidson