Books in Browsing: How To... (sorted alphabetically)
practical treatise on the manufacture of perfumery : comprising directions for making all kinds of perfumes, sachet powders, fumigating materials, dentrifices, cosmetics, etc., etc., with a full account of the volatile oils, balsams, resins, and other natural and artificial perfume-substances, including the manufacture of fruit ethers, and tests of their purity C. Deite
Primer of the Art of Illumination for the Use of Beginners F. Delamotte
Progress of the Marbling Art, from Technical Scientific Principles Josef Halfer
pudding and pastry book Elizabeth Douglas
Quantity Cookery: Menu Planning and Cooking for Large Numbers Lenore Richards and Nola Treat
Quilts: Their Story and How to Make Them Marie D. Webster
Rake Knitting Patterns Bertha Thompson
Ranidae: How to breed, feed and raise the edible frog Unknown
Reading: How to Teach It Sarah Louise Arnold
Renaissance of the Vocal Art Edmund J. Myer
Repairing & Restoration of Violins Horace Petherick
Sandwiches S. T. Rorer
School of Recreation (1684 edition) R. H.
Science of Brickmaking George Frederick Harris
Scientific American Boy; Or, The Camp at Willow Clump Island A. Russell Bond
Seat Weaving L. Day Perry
Secrets of meat curing and sausage making B. Heller & Co.
Secrets of Wise Men, Chemists and Great Physicians William K. David
Selbstarzt bei äußeren Verletzungen und Entzündungen aller Art (German) William Lee
Select Collection of Valuable and Curious Arts and Interesting Experiments, Unknown
Self-instructor in the art of hair work, dressing hair, making curls, switches, braids, and hair jewelry of every description. Mark Campbell
Shaving Made Easy: What the Man Who Shaves Ought to Know Anonymous
Shelters, Shacks and Shanties Daniel Carter Beard
Simple Plumbing Repairs for the Home and Farmstead Anonymous
Skilful Cook Mary Harrison