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Displaying results 1–25
Essays on horse subjects
F. C. Grenside
Metsän koululaiset (Finnish)
William J. Long
Flora of the Sudan
A. F. Broun and R. E. Massey
Moufflou, and other stories
Highland annals
Olive Tilford Dargan
Our search for a wilderness : An account of two ornithological expeditions to Venezuela and to British Guiana
William Beebe and Blair Niles
Ponies past and present
Sir Walter Gilbey
Needwood Forest
Francis Noel Clarke Mundy
David goes to Greenland
David Binney Putnam
The world of the great forest : how animals, birds, reptiles, insects talk, think, work, and live
Paul B. Du Chaillu
The house without windows & Eepersip's life there
Barbara Newhall Follett
Kahden muurahaisen seikkailut (Finnish)
Nanny Hammarström
Bird studies with a camera : with introductory chapters on the outfit and methods of the bird photographer
Frank M. Chapman
Wald : Der deutsche Wald und was er raunt und singt (German)
Der Ameisenlöwe : eine biologische, tierpsychologische und reflexbiologische Untersuchung (German)
Franz Doflein
Silken threads
Ruth Collie
Boy bird house architecture
Leon H. Baxter
Les chasseurs de loups (French)
James Oliver Curwood
A. A. Strachan
The botanist's repository for new and rare plants; vol. 09 [of 10]
active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
The book of garden design
Charles Thonger
The Cambridge natural history, Vol. 09 (of 10)
A. H. Evans
Profitable poultry : Their management in health and disease
W. B. Tegetmeier
La vie des termites (French)
Maurice Maeterlinck
Justin Morgan, founder of his race : the romantic history of a horse
Eleanor Waring Burnham
Displaying results 1–25