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Displaying results 1–25
Hay fever : A light comedy in three acts
Noël Coward
Meren ja lemmen aallot (Finnish)
Franz Grillparzer
En Mand gik ned fra Jerusalem : skuespil i tre akter (Danish)
Helge Rode
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 150, Vol. III, November 13, 1886
La resclosa : Drama en tres actes (Catalan)
Ignasi Iglesias
Fashions for men, and The swan : Two plays by Franz Molnar
Ferenc Molnár
La morta : Quadro dramátich (Catalan)
Pompeu Crehuet i Pardas
Nuorten tuomio : Yksinäytöksinen draama (Finnish)
Lauri Haarla
Koitereen rannalla : Yksinäytöksinen laulunäytelmä (Finnish)
Lauri Soini
Le Père Lebonnard : Comédie en 4 actes, en vers, reprise à la Comédie Française le 4 août 1904 (French)
Jean Aicard
The play's the thing
P. G. Wodehouse and Ferenc Molnár
Kosken tarina : Kolminäytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish)
Kaarle Halme
Verzamelde Tooneelspelen en opstellen-over-tooneel, deel 1-2 (Dutch)
Herman Heijermans
G. P. S.
Els vells : Drama en tres actes (Catalan)
Ignasi Iglesias
Metsäpirtissä : Satunäytelmä (Finnish)
Antti Rytkönen
The return of Alcestis : A play in one act
Laurence Housman
The motion picture chums' new idea : or, The first educational photo playhouse
Victor Appleton
"Who he?"
Alfred Bester
Second sight secrets and mechanical magic
Herman Pinetti
Bill Porter : A drama of O. Henry in prison
Upton Sinclair
A-B-C of motion pictures
Robert E. Welsh
Marionettes, masks and shadows
Winifred H. Mills and Louise M. Dunn
Motion pictures, January-June 1975 : Catalog of copyright entries, third series, volume 29, parts 12-13, number 1
Library of Congress. Copyright Office
A message from Mars : A fantastic comedy in three acts
Richard Ganthony
Displaying results 1–25