Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted alphabetically)
Cholera: the claims of the poor upon the rich Thomas Beggs
Christian Directory, Part 4: Christian Politics Richard Baxter
Christianity and Islam Carl Heinrich Becker
Christmas Chat Anonymous
Chronicle of Jails Darrell Figgis
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 1 (de 4) (French) duchesse de Dorothée Dino
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 2 (de 4) (French) duchesse de Dorothée Dino
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 3 (de 4) (French) duchesse de Dorothée Dino
Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 4 (de 4) (French) duchesse de Dorothée Dino
Chronique du crime et de l'innocence, tome 8/8 (French) J.-B.-J. Champagnac
Church In Politics—Americans Beware! M. M. Mangasarian
Cicero's Tusculan Disputations Marcus Tullius Cicero
Cité Antique (French) Fustel de Coulanges
Citizen or subject? Francis X. Hennessy
Citizenship: A Manual for Voters Emma Guy Cromwell
Civil Government for Common Schools Henry C. Northam
Civil Government in the United States Considered with Some Reference to Its Origins John Fiske
Civil Government of Virginia William Fayette Fox
Claims of Labour: An essay on the duties of the employers to the employed Sir Arthur Helps
Clansman: An Historical Romance of the Ku Klux Klan Jr. Thomas Dixon
Clemenceau, the Man and His Time H. M. Hyndman
Cleveland Era: A Chronicle of the New Order in Politics Henry Jones Ford
Cleverdale Mystery; or, The Machine and Its Wheels: A Story of American Life W. A. Wilkins
Collected Articles of Frederick Douglass Frederick Douglass
Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 1 (of 15) (French) Gabriel Bonnot de Mably