The life watch
Lester Del Rey
The green bay tree : a novel
Louis Bromfield
Bodily changes in pain, hunger, fear, and rage : an account of recent researches into the function of emotional excitement
Walter B. Cannon
The cloven foot : A novel
M. E. Braddon
Das Gedächtnis (German)
Alfred Leopold Müller
Essays in eugenics
Francis Galton
An essay towards a theory of apparitions
John Ferriar
Philistine and genius
Boris Sidis
The case against spiritualism
Jane T. Stoddart
The psychology of speculation : The human element in stock market transactions
Henry Howard Harper
Roy F. Dibble
Grundriß der Logik (German)
Kurt Joachim Grau
Ihminen uusimpien tieteellisten ja salatieteellisten tutkimusten valossa : Viisi esitelmää (Finnish)
Willie Angervo
Buchstabenmystik (German)
Franz Dornseiff
La maison en ordre : comment un révolutionnaire devint royaliste (French)
Adolphe Retté
A way of life : An address to Yale students Sunday evening, April 20th, 1913
Sir William Osler
Up from Methodism
Herbert Asbury
Moral social : apreciación de Hostos (Spanish)
Eugenio María de Hostos
De la volonté (French)
Marguerite Duportal
How to hypnotize : The science of controlling the minds of others
Chalk face
Waldo David Frank
Of holy disobedience
A. J. Muste
Keep Happy
Eustace Miles
Thoughts of the servant of God, Thérèse of the Child Jesus : The little flower of Jesus, Carmelite of the monastery of Lisieux, 1873-1897
Saint de Lisieux Thérèse
The lesser Key of Solomon, Goetia, the book of evil spirits : contains two hundred diagrams and seals for invocation and convocation of spirits, necromancy, witchcraft and black art