Books in Browsing: Religion/Spirituality/Paranormal (sorted alphabetically by author)
The missionary Jesse F. Bone
Our Master: Thoughts for Salvationists about Their Lord Bramwell Booth
Doktor Nikola (Danish) Guy Boothby
A Bid for Fortune; Or, Dr. Nikola's Vendetta Guy Boothby
'Farewell, Nikola' Guy Boothby
Godliness : being reports of a series of addresses delivered at James's Hall, London, W. during 1881 Catherine Mumford Booth
The Cyclopedia of the Colored Baptists of Alabama: Their Leaders and Their Work Charles Octavius Boothe
A Handful of Stars: Texts That Have Moved Great Minds Frank Boreham
Rubble and Roseleaves, and Things of That Kind Frank Boreham
Mushrooms on the Moor Frank Boreham
De Chineesche Filosofie, Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen, 1. Kh'oeng Foe Tsz' (Confucius) (Dutch) Henri Borel
Kwan Yin: Een boek van de Goden en de Hel (Dutch) Henri Borel
De Chineesche Filosofie, Toegelicht voor niet-Sinologen, 2. Lao Tsz' (Dutch) Henri Borel
Israël en Égypte: Étude sur un oratorio de G.F. Hændel (French) Maurice Bouchor
The Happiness of Heaven F. J. Boudreaux
Les protestants à Nîmes au temps de l'Édit de Nantes (French) Jacques Boulenger
The reality of prayer Edward M. Bounds
Essentials of prayer Edward M. Bounds
Prayer and praying men Edward M. Bounds
Power Through Prayer Edward M. Bounds
Purpose in Prayer Edward M. Bounds
Preacher and Prayer Edward M. Bounds
The Medicine-Men of the Apache. (1892 N 09 / 1887-1888 (pages 443-604)) John Gregory Bourke
Scatalogic Rites of All Nations John Gregory Bourke
Le sabbat des sorciers (French) Bourneville and E. Teinturier