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Displaying results 1–25
Flora of the Sudan
A. F. Broun and R. E. Massey
The sacred theory of the Earth, Volume 1 : Containing an account of the original of the Earth, and of all the general changes which it hath already undergone, or is to undergo, till the consummation of all things.
Thomas Burnet
The puzzle of life and how it has been put together : A short history of the formation of the earth, with its vegetable and animal life, from the earliest times, including an account of prehistoric man, his weapons, tools, and works
Arthur Nicols
Poultry for profit
R. A. Power
Hiram in the Middle West : Or, A young farmer's upward struggle
Burbank L. Todd
Principles and practice of agricultural analysis. Volume 3 (of 3), Agricultural products
Harvey Washington Wiley
Report on the geology of the Henry Mountains
Grove Karl Gilbert
The new air world : The science of meteorology simplified
Willis L. Moore
A history of land mammals in the western hemisphere
William Berryman Scott
Le piante utili dell' Eritrea (Italian)
Georg August Schweinfurth
Talon-Pojan Sää- eli Ilma-Kirja (Finnish)
Weather proverbs
H. H. C. Dunwoody
Profitable poultry : Their management in health and disease
W. B. Tegetmeier
The topography and geology of the Fayum province of Egypt
H. J. L. Beadnell
Rapport sur une mission botanique exécutée en 1884 dans la région saharienne, au nord des grands chotts et dans les îles de la côte orientale de la Tunisie (French)
Napoléon Doumet-Adanson
Rapport sur une mission botanique exécutée en 1884 dans le nord, le sud et l'ouest de la Tunisie (French)
A. Letourneux
Horse-hoeing husbandry : or, an essay on the principles of vegetation and tillage. Designed to introduce a new method of culture; whereby the produce of land will be increased, and the usual expence lessened. Together with accurate descriptions and cuts of the instruments employed in it.
Jethro Tull
Outlines of mineralogy
Torbern Bergman
Geology, Vol. 1 [of 3] : Geologic processes and their results
Rollin D. Salisbury and Thomas C. Chamberlin
Agricola : A study of agriculture and rustic life in the Greco-Roman world from the point of view of labour
William Emerton Heitland
Beautiful shells : Their nature, structure, and uses familiarly explained; with directions for collecting, cleaning, and arranging them in the cabinet; descriptions of the most remarkable species, and of the creatures which inhabit them; and explanations of the meanings of their scientific names, and of the terms used in conchology
H. G. Adams
Els aucells més útils a la agricultura de Catalunya (Catalan)
Emili Tarré
Missions au Sahara, tome 2 : Sahara soudanais (French)
René Chudeau
The Deseado Formation of Patagonia
Frederic Brewster Loomis
Soils, their formation, properties, composition, and relations to climate and plant growth in the humid and arid regions
Eugene W. Hilgard
Displaying results 1–25