Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
- The Life of the Weevil Jean-Henri Fabre and Alexander Teixeira de Mattos
- Insect Adventures Jean-Henri Fabre and Louise Hasbrouck Zimm
- Olympic National Park, Washington Gunnar O. Fagerlund
- Book of Monsters David Fairchild and Marian Fairchild
- Learning to fly in the U.S. Army : a manual of aviation practice E. N. Fales
- The Animal Parasites of Man Harold Benjamin Fantham, J. W. W. Stephens, Fred. V. Theobald, and Max Braun
- On the various forces of nature and their relations to each other Michael Faraday
- Experimental Researches in Electricity, Volume 1 Michael Faraday
- The Chemical History of a Candle Michael Faraday
- Naturgeschichte einer Kerze : Sechs Vorlesungen für die Jugend; Mit einem Lebensabriß Faraday's (German) Michael Faraday
- History of Phosphorus Eduard Farber
- The House We Live In; or, The Making of the Body Vesta J. Farnsworth
- The Moon Oliver C. Farrington
- Dactylography; Or, The Study of Finger-prints Henry Faulds
- Nuclear Clocks Henry Faul
- Catalan's Constant [Ramanujan's Formula] Greg Fee
- Mémoire sur la réunion des trois services, des postes aux chevaux, de la poste aux lettres, et des messageries, sous une seule administration (French) M. Fenis
- Kinematics of Mechanisms from the Time of Watt Eugene S. Ferguson
- Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles James Ferguson
- Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure William Thomas Fernie
- How It Flies; or, The Conquest of the Air Richard Ferris
- Memorias sobre a influencia dos descobrimentos portuguezes no conhecimento das plantas (Portuguese) Conde de Francisco Manuel de Melo Ficalho
- The Story of the Atlantic Telegraph Henry M. Field
- Spices, Their Histories: Valuable Information for Grocers Robert O. Fielding
- The Ocean World: Being a Description of the Sea and Its Living Inhabitants. Louis Figuier