Voyage à Montbard (French)
Marie-Jean Hérault de Séchelles
The nature of the physical world
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington
Studies of trees in winter : A description of the deciduous trees of northeastern America
Annie Oakes Huntington
Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers. Zweiter Band. (German)
Stephan Clessin, Arthur Seligo, Friedrich Zschokke, C. Apstein, Paul Kramer, E. Schmidt-Schwedt, and Friedrich Borcherding
Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Süsswassers. Erster Band. (German)
Wilhelm Weltner, Ludwig Plate, F. A. Forel, W. Migula, Friedrich Ludwig, August Gruber, and Julius Vosseler
The life of Jean Henri Fabre, the entomologist, 1823-1910
Augustin Fabre
Learning to fly in the U.S. Army : a manual of aviation practice
E. N. Fales
The winners in life's race : Or, the great backboned family
Arabella B. Buckley
How to become an inventor : Containing experiments in photography, hydraulics, galvanism and electricity, magnetism, heat, and the wonders of the microscope
Aaron A. Warford
Arabische Pflanzennamen aus Aegypten, Algerien und Jemen (German)
Georg August Schweinfurth
The A B C of atoms
Bertrand Russell
Ships of the seven seas
Hawthorne Daniel
Steam-ships : The story of their development to the present day
R. A. Fletcher
The quantum postulate and the recent development of atomic theory
Niels Bohr
On the constitution of atoms and molecules
Niels Bohr
Flowers and their friends
Margaret Warner Morley
Travels into North America, Volume 3 (of 3)
Pehr Kalm
The evolution of climate
C. E. P. Brooks
Tom Swift and his airline express : or, From ocean to ocean by daylight
Victor Appleton
The principles and practice of modern surgery
Roswell Park
Bulletin of the Nuttall Ornithological Club : A quarterly journal of ornithology, Volume VII (1882)
Nuttall Ornithological Club
Computers—the machines we think with
D. S. Halacy
The alligator and its allies
A. M. Reese
Nature readers : Sea-side and way-side. No. 4
Julia McNair Wright
The physiology of digestion considered with relation to the principles of dietetics
Andrew Combe