Books in Browsing: Science-Fiction & Fantasy (sorted alphabetically by author)
Athalie Robert W. Chambers
The Gay Rebellion Robert W. Chambers
In Search of the Unknown Robert W. Chambers
The Slayer of Souls Robert W. Chambers
The Green Mouse Robert W. Chambers
Iole Robert W. Chambers
In the Earth's Shadow John L. Chapman
Into the Sun John L. Chapman
Doctor Jones' Picnic S. E. Chapman
Corpus earthling Louis Charbonneau
The sentinel stars : a novel of the future Louis Charbonneau
The Battle of Dorking George Tomkyns Chesney
O Napoleão de Notting Hill (Portuguese) G. K. Chesterton
The Napoleon of Notting Hill G. K. Chesterton
Der Weltuntergang: Eine Phantasie aus dem Jahre 1900 (German) Vinzenz Chiavacci
Cliges: A Romance active 12th century de Troyes Chrétien
Four Arthurian Romances active 12th century de Troyes Chrétien
High Man Jay Clarke
Attitude Hal Clement
The Green World Hal Clement
Hot Planet Hal Clement
A Woman's Place Mark Clifton
Star, Bright Mark Clifton
Hang head, vandal Mark Clifton
Do Unto Others Mark Clifton