Books in Browsing: Sociology (sorted alphabetically)
Price/Cost Indexes from 1875 to 1989; Estimated to 2010 Michael Hart
Primeiro de Maio (Portuguese) S. de Magalhães Lima
primitifs: Études d'ethnologie comparée (French) Élie Reclus
Primitive culture, vol. 1 (of 2) : Researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom Edward B. Tylor
Primitive culture, vol. 2 (of 2) : Researches into the development of mythology, philosophy, religion, language, art, and custom Edward B. Tylor
Primitive Manners and Customs James Anson Farrer
Principles of Masonic Law Albert Gallatin Mackey
Prison Chaplaincy, And Its Experiences Hosea Quinby
Prisoners of Poverty Abroad Helen Campbell
Prisoners of Poverty: Women Wage-Workers, Their Trades and Their Lives Helen Campbell
Prisoners their own warders : a record of the convict prison at Singapore in the Straits Settlements, established 1825, discontinued 1873, together with a cursory history of the convict establishments at Bencoolen, Penang and Malacca from the year 1797 John Frederick Adolphus McNair and W. D. Bayliss
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist Alexander Berkman
Prisons and Prayer; Or, a Labor of Love Elizabeth Ryder Wheaton
Prisons & Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences Lady Constance Lytton
Problem in Modern Ethics John Addington Symonds
Problem of the Rupee, Its Origin and Its Solution B. R. Ambedkar
Problems of Poverty: An Inquiry into the Industrial Condition of the Poor J. A. Hobson
Progetto filosofico di una completa riforma del culto e dell'educazione politico-morale del popolo ebreo, Tomo I (Italian) Aron Fernando
Program for October 1929: The Wyoming Valley Woman's Club of Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania) Wyoming Valley Woman's Club (Wilkes-Barre
proletario en España y el Negro en Cuba (Spanish) Ramón J. Espinosa
Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe John Robison
Proposed Roads to Freedom Bertrand Russell
Pros and Cons of Vivisection Charles Richet
Protection and Communism Frédéric Bastiat
Psicologia criminale (Italian) Michele Longo