Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted by popularity)
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The Blue Castle: a novel L. M. Montgomery 41843 downloads
The Elements of Style William Strunk 7519 downloads
Helps to Latin Translation at Sight Edmund Luce 6016 downloads
Hard Times Charles Dickens 5427 downloads
How We Think John Dewey 2639 downloads
Democracy and Education: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education John Dewey 2296 downloads
A First Spanish Reader (Spanish) Erwin W. Roessler and Alfred Remy 2292 downloads
Latin for Beginners Benjamin L. D'Ooge 2245 downloads
Forty-Five Years of Digitizing Ebooks: Project Gutenberg's Practices Gregory B. Newby 2100 downloads
Emile Jean-Jacques Rousseau 2080 downloads
Writing and rewriting George Carver, William S. Maulsby, and Thomas A. Knott 1815 downloads
The Orbis Pictus Johann Amos Comenius 1806 downloads
The Art of Public Speaking Dale Carnegie and J. Berg Esenwein 1775 downloads
French Conversation and Composition (French) Harry Vincent Wann 1616 downloads
The structure of the English sentence Lillian Kimball Stewart 1596 downloads
Boy Scouts Handbook Boy Scouts of America 1455 downloads
An Elementary Spanish Reader (Spanish) Earl Stanley Harrison 1361 downloads
Sex-education Maurice A. Bigelow 1350 downloads
Home Geography for Primary Grades C. C. Long 1249 downloads
Unterm Rad (German) Hermann Hesse 1137 downloads
McGuffey's First Eclectic Reader, Revised Edition William Holmes McGuffey 1134 downloads
An Advanced English Grammar with Exercises George Lyman Kittredge and Frank Edgar Farley 1130 downloads
Tom Brown's School Days Thomas Hughes 1129 downloads
Notes on Nursing: What It Is, and What It Is Not Florence Nightingale 1092 downloads
How to Tell a Story, and Other Essays Mark Twain 1048 downloads
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