Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted alphabetically)
Instruction Publique en France et en Italie au dix-neuvième siècle (French) Charles Dejob
Insula Sanctorum et Doctorum; Or, Ireland's Ancient Schools and Scholars John Healy
Intellectual Life Philip Gilbert Hamerton
International Correspondence School - Spanish Lesson #9 (Spanish)
International Incidents for Discussion in Conversation Classes L. Oppenheim
International Language, Past, Present & Future Walter John Clark
In the School-Room: Chapters in the Philosophy of Education John S. Hart
Introduction aux études historiques (French) Charles Seignobos and Charles Victor Langlois
Introduction to Anatomy, 1532 (Latin) David Edguard
Introduction to Nature-study E. Stenhouse
Introduction to Psychology Wilhelm Max Wundt
Introduction to Shakespeare H. N. MacCracken, F. E. Pierce, and W. H. Durham
Introduction to the Science of Sociology Robert Ezra Park and E. W. Burgess
Introduction to the scientific study of education Charles Hubbard Judd
Introduction to the study of history Charles Seignobos and Charles Victor Langlois
Introduction to the study of the history of language Herbert A. Strong, Willem Sijbrand Logeman, and Benjamin Ide Wheeler
Introductorie for to Lerne to Read, To Pronounce, and to Speke French Trewly Giles Du Wés
Invention of Typography Frederick W. Hamilton
Jack of Both Sides: The Story of a School War Florence Coombe
Jakob von Gunten: Ein Tagebuch (German) Robert Walser
Jan Amos Komenský (Esperanto) Jan Václav Novák
J. C. Lavater's Sittenbüchlein für das Gesinde (German) Johann Caspar Lavater
Jean Craig, Graduate Nurse Kay Lyttleton
Jenseits der Schriftkultur — Band 1 (German) Mihai Nadin
Jenseits der Schriftkultur — Band 3 (German) Mihai Nadin