Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted alphabetically)
jesuitas e o ensino (Portuguese) João Pandiá Calógeras
Jeugdherinneringen (Dutch) Jan Ligthart
Jeux et exercices des jeunes filles (French) active 19th century Marguerite Du Parquet
Joan and Peter: The story of an education H. G. Wells
John Bull, Junior; or, French as She is Traduced Max O'Rell
Jo's Boys Louisa May Alcott
Journal in France in 1845 and 1848 with Letters from Italy in 1847 T. W. Allies
Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity Albert E. Winship
Julian Home F. W. Farrar
Junior High School Literature, Book 1 William H. Elson and Christine M. Keck
Juvenile Lavater; or, A Familiar Explanation of the Passions of Le Brun George Brewer
Kansakoulu-opettajan nuoruudenvaiheet (Finnish) Edmondo De Amicis
Karlo (Esperanto) Edmond Privat
Key to Success Russell H. Conwell
Key to the Family Deed Chest: How to Decipher and Study Old Documents Emma Elizabeth Thoyts
Kinderen uit m'n klas (Dutch) P. J. Cohen de Vries
King of Ranleigh: A School Story F. S. Brereton
King's Mirror (Speculum regale-Konungs skuggsjá)
Kino und Erdkunde (German) Hermann Häfker
Kleine deutsche Sprachlehre (German) Hermann Bohm and Walter Steinert
könyv története (2. rész) (Hungarian) Károly Steinhofer
Körperpflege durch Gymnastik, Licht und Luft (German) Paul Jaerschky
Labors in the Vineyard Various
Lanchester tradition G. F. Bradby
Landmarks Medical and Surgical James Shuter and Luther Holden