Books in Browsing: Fiction (sorted alphabetically by author)
Tusschen mal en dwaas (Dutch) P. J. Andriessen and Clementine Helm
L'amour en Russie (French) Claude Anet
Ariane, jeune fille russe (French) Claude Anet
Quand la terre trembla (French) Claude Anet
Adolescence (French) Claude Anet
It Happened in Japan Baroness Albert d' Anethan
The Firefly of France Marion Polk Angellotti
Man-Trap Hal Annas
No Sons Left to Die! Hal Annas
Maid—To Order Hal Annas
The Ultimate Quest Hal Annas
The Longsnozzle Event Hal Annas
The adventures of a black coat : Containing a series of remarkable occurrences and entertaining incidents Anonymous
Ruth: Kertomus tytöille (Finnish) Anonymous
Carlo Anonymous
The Adventures of a Squirrel, Supposed to be Related by Himself Anonymous
La terrible et merveilleuse vie de Robert le Diable (French) Anonymous
A story of the sawdust: The pathetic history of "Old Props'" darling Anonymous
Relation d'un voyage du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarctique par le centre du monde (French) Anonymous
Woodbine-Arbor; or, The Little Gardeners: A Story of a Happy Childhood Anonymous
The Hunted Outlaw, or, Donald Morrison, the Canadian Rob Roy Anonymous
Y ddwy chwaer: Ffeithiau hanesyddol (Welsh) Anonymous
The Interlude of Wealth and Health Anonymous
施公案 (Chinese) Anonymous
The Black Troopers, and other stories Anonymous