Books in Browsing: Other (sorted alphabetically by author)
Chats on Old Clocks Arthur Hayden
Chats on Old Earthenware Arthur Hayden
Illustrated Horse Breaking M. Horace Hayes
The Book-Collector William Carew Hazlitt
Broad-Sword and Single-Stick Baron Rowland George Allanson-Winn Headley and Clive Phillipps-Wolley
Traité General de la Cuisine Maigre (French) Auguste Hélie
More Conjuring: Simple Tricks for Social Gatherings Hercat
Whist; or, Bumblepuppy? Thirteen Lectures Addressed to Children John Petch Hewby
Designs for Crazy Daisy Winder : Crochet Time Cut in Half Esther Parnell Hewlett
Handbook of Embroidery L. Higgin
A Profitable Instruction of the Perfite Ordering of Bees Thomas Hill
Rembrandt, With a Complete List of His Etchings Arthur Mayger Hind
Latest Magic, Being original conjuring tricks Professor Hoffmann
Hoyle's Games Modernized Professor Hoffmann and Edmond Hoyle
Taxidermy and Zoological Collecting William T. Hornaday and W. J. Holland
Canada: Its Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery Clifton A. Howes
Beyond Henry Seward Hubbard
The Private Library Arthur Lee Humphreys
De la télépathie: Étude sur la transmission de la pensée (French) Émile Hureau
Open That Door! R. Sturgis Ingersoll
Simple Italian Cookery Antonia Isola
De Vrouw: Haar bouw en haar inwendige organen (Dutch) Aletta H. Jacobs
Jaros Hygienic Wear: The therapeutic and prophylactic application. I. Jaros
English Coins and Tokens, with a Chapter on Greek and Roman Coins Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt and Barclay V. Head
Mr. Murray's List of New and Recent Publications July, 1890 John Murray