Books about Du Barry, Jeanne Bécu, comtesse, 1743-1793 -- Fiction (sorted by release date)
Displaying results 1–5
Josef Balsamo: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovista (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet Feb 2, 2017
Lääkärin muistelmia: Historiallinen romaani Ludvig XV:n hovista (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas Jan 25, 2017
Balsamo, the magician; or, the memoirs of a physician Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet May 30, 2014
The Mesmerist's Victim Alexandre Dumas May 11, 2013
La femme au collier de velours (French) Alexandre Dumas Mar 16, 2006
Displaying results 1–5