Books about Historical fiction (sorted alphabetically)
guerre et la paix, Tome III (French) graf Leo Tolstoy
Guy Mannering Walter Scott
Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete Walter Scott
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Complete Walter Scott
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 Walter Scott
Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 02 Walter Scott
- Hädän hetkellä (Finnish) J. O. Åberg
Hagar Mary Johnston
Hanit the Enchantress Garrett Chatfield Pier
happy tree Rosalind Murray
Härkmanin pojat (Finnish) Betty Elfving
Haukansilmä (Finnish) James Fenimore Cooper
Hawk's Nest; or, The Last of the Cahoonshees. James M. Allerton
Hayslope Grange: A Tale of the Civil War Emma Leslie
Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete Walter Scott
Heart of Mid-Lothian, Volume 1 Walter Scott
Heart of Mid-Lothian, Volume 2 Walter Scott
heilige Donnerwetter. Ein Blücherroman (German) Adolf Paul
Henkisotilaan kertomuksia: Kustaa Adolfin historian tapauksista (Finnish) C. Georg Starbäck
- Henry Esmondin historia: Hänen itsensä kertomana (Finnish) William Makepeace Thackeray
Heralds of Empire Agnes C. Laut
hermanos Plantagenet (Spanish) Manuel Fernández y González
Hero of the People: A Historical Romance of Love, Liberty and Loyalty Alexandre Dumas
Herrn de Charreards deutsche Kinder: Die Geschichte einer Familie (German) Josephine Siebe
Hetty Wesley Arthur Quiller-Couch