Books by Schoenherr, John (sorted alphabetically)
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Accidental Death Peter Baily
Adaptation Mack Reynolds
Age of anxiety Robert Silverberg
Ambulance Made Two Trips Murray Leinster
Asses of Balaam Randall Garrett
band played on Lester Del Rey
Black Man's Burden Mack Reynolds
Border, Breed Nor Birth Mack Reynolds
burning world Algis Budrys
Circuit Riders R. C. FitzPatrick
Code Three Rick Raphael
Combat Mack Reynolds
Deadline Walter L. Kleine
Dueling Machine Ben Bova and Myron R. Lewis
Ethical Engineer Harry Harrison
Eyes Have It Randall Garrett
Fifty Per Cent Prophet Randall Garrett
Freedom Mack Reynolds
Frigid Fracas Mack Reynolds
Green Beret Tom Purdom
Hail to the Chief Randall Garrett
hate disease Murray Leinster
Junior Achievement William M. Lee
Lion Loose James H. Schmitz
Lost in Translation Laurence M. Janifer
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