Books in Cookbooks and Cooking (sorted by popularity)
Woman's Institute Library of Cookery. Volume 3: Soup; Meat; Poultry and Game; Fish and Shell Fish Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences 191 downloads
Vaughan's Vegetable Cook Book (4th edition) Anonymous 191 downloads
Choice Cookery Catherine Owen 191 downloads
Recipes Tried and True Ohio). Ladies' Aid Society First Presbyterian Church (Marion 190 downloads
Il libro della cucina del sec. XIV, testo di lingua non mai fin qui stampato (Italian) 184 downloads
De Vegetarische Keuken (Dutch) E. M. Valk-Heijnsdijk 184 downloads
The Cookery Blue Book First Unitarian Society of San Francisco. Society for Christian Work 183 downloads
Let's Use Soybeans University of Illinois . Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics 183 downloads
The Cooking Manual of Practical Directions for Economical Every-Day Cookery Juliet Corson 182 downloads
For Luncheon and Supper Guests Alice Bradley 177 downloads
Stevenson Memorial Cook Book 175 downloads
English Housewifry Elizabeth Moxon 171 downloads
Favorite Dishes : a Columbian Autograph Souvenir Cookery Book Carrie V. Shuman 164 downloads
My Pet Recipes, Tried and True Various 158 downloads
Nelson's Home Comforts Mary Hooper 157 downloads
A Handbook of Fish Cookery: How to buy, dress, cook, and eat fish Lucy H. Yates 155 downloads
The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. Florence Daniel 152 downloads
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs S. T. Rorer 150 downloads
The Art of Living in Australia Philip E. Muskett 147 downloads
The Cyder-Maker's Instructor, Sweet-Maker's Assistant, and Victualler's and Housekeeper's Director Thomas Chapman 146 downloads
Dr A. Oetkers Grundlehren der Kochkunst (German) August Oetker 142 downloads
Made-Over Dishes S. T. Rorer 140 downloads
The Compleat Cook W. M. 138 downloads
The Community Cook Book Anonymous 138 downloads
Civic League Cook Book North Dakota) Civic League (Williston 137 downloads