Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
Old Days at Beverly Farms Mary Larcom Dow
Frédéric Mistral Charles Alfred Downer
A brief and remarkable narrative of the life and extreme sufferings of Barnabas Downs, Jun. : Who was among the number of those who escaped death on board the privateer brig Arnold, James Magee, commander, which was cast away near Plymouth-Harbour, in a most terrible snow-storm, December 26, 1778, when more than sixty persons were frozen to death. Containing also a particular account of said shipwreck Barnabas Downs
Memories and Adventures Arthur Conan Doyle
Life of Tecumseh, and of His Brother the Prophet Benjamin Drake
Shakspeare and His Times [Vol. 2 of 2] Nathan Drake
Shakspeare and His Times [Vol. 1 of 2] Nathan Drake
Personal Memoir of Daniel Drayton, for Four Years and Four Months a Prisoner (for Charity's Sake) in Washington Jail Daniel Drayton
Twelve Men Theodore Dreiser
A Book About Myself Theodore Dreiser
Lettres d'un innocent (French) Alfred Dreyfus
Lettres d'un Innocent: The Letters of Captain Dreyfus to His Wife Alfred Dreyfus
Cinq années de ma vie, 1894-1899 (French) Alfred Dreyfus
Underground: Hacking, madness and obsession on the electronic frontier Suelette Dreyfus
Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen (German) Johann Gustav Droysen
A Slave Girl's Story Kate Drumgoold
Life and Writings of Thomas R. Malthus Charles R. Drysdale
There was once a slave ... : The heroic story of Frederick Douglass Shirley Graham Du Bois
Darkwater: Voices from Within the Veil W. E. B. Du Bois
John Brown W. E. B. Du Bois
The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. Du Bois
The Souls of Black Folk W. E. B. Du Bois
The Negro in the South W. E. B. Du Bois and Booker T. Washington
The Violin George Dubourg
L'amiral Du Casse, Chevalier de la Toison d'Or (1646-1715) (French) baron Robert Emmanuel Léon Du Casse