Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted alphabetically)
Betty Lee, Senior Harriet Pyne Grove
Betty Lee, Sophomore Harriet Pyne Grove
Betty Leicester: A Story For Girls Sarah Orne Jewett
Betty Leicester's Christmas Sarah Orne Jewett
Betty's Battles: An Everyday Story S. L. M.
Betty's Happy Year Carolyn Wells
Betty Vivian: A Story of Haddo Court School L. T. Meade
Betty Wales, B. A.: A story for girls Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales & Co.: A story for girls Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales decides : a story for girls Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales, Freshman Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales, Junior: A Story for Girls Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales on the campus Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales, Senior Edith K. Dunton
Betty Wales, Sophomore: A Story for Girls Edith K. Dunton
Bevis: The Story of a Boy Richard Jefferies
Bevy of Girls L. T. Meade
Bewick's Select Fables of Æsop and others. Aesop and Robert Dodsley
Beyond Rope and Fence David Grew
Beyond the Black Waters A. L. O. E.
Bib Ballads Ring Lardner
Bible for Young People
Bible object book : A book of object lessons which are different, written in plain English and in common words C. H. Woolston
Bible pictures and stories in large print Anonymous
Bible Stories Anonymous