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Displaying results 1–25
Cookery and Dining in Imperial Rome
Camp fires and camp cooking : or, Culinary hints for the soldier: including receipt for making bread in the "portable field oven" furnished by the Subsistence Department
James M. Sanderson
Zimmerblattpflanzen (German)
Udo Dammer
Encyclopedia of Needlework
Thérèse de Dillmont
All About Coffee
William H. Ukers
Pennsylvania Dutch Cooking
The Book of Household Management
Mrs. Beeton
The Virginia Housewife; Or, Methodical Cook
Mary Randolph
A Treatise on Domestic Economy; For the Use of Young Ladies at Home and at School
Catharine Esther Beecher
The Art of Perfumery, and Methods of Obtaining the Odors of Plants
G. W. Septimus Piesse
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets
John Evelyn
The Mechanical Properties of Wood
Samuel J. Record
The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled, about A.D. 1390 (Middle English (1100-1500))
Samuel Pegge
Food Guide for War Service at Home
Katharine Blunt, Frances Lucy Swain, Florence Powdermaker, and United States Food Administration
Needlework Economies: A Book of Mending and Making with Oddments and Scraps
Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus
Rufus Estes
The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened
Kenelm Digby
Physiologie du goût (French)
Foods that will win the war and how to cook them (1918)
C. Houston Goudiss and Alberta M. Goudiss
The Book of Husbandry
Anthony Fitzherbert
Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers
Elizabeth E. Lea
The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887)
F. L. Gillette and Hugo Ziemann
A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons
Friedrich Christian Accum
Perfumes and their preparation : Containing complete directions for making handkerchief perfumes, smelling-salts, sachets, fumigating pastils; preparations for the care of the skin, the mouth, the hair; cosmetics, hair dyes, and other toilet articles
George William Askinson
Home-made Toys for Girls and Boys
A. Neely Hall
Displaying results 1–25