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Displaying results 1–25
Camp fires and camp cooking : or, Culinary hints for the soldier: including receipt for making bread in the "portable field oven" furnished by the Subsistence Department
James M. Sanderson
La cuisine creole : a collection of culinary recipes from leading chefs and noted Creole housewives, who have made New Orleans famous for its cuisine
Lafcadio Hearn
Rigby's reliable candy teacher and soda and ice cream formulas
W. O. Rigby
Vegetarian supplement to Scientific feeding
Dora C. C. L. Roper
Chinese cook book
Vernon Galster
The greedy book : A gastronomical anthology
Frank Schloesser
The royal baker and pastry cook : A manual of practical cookery
Royal Baking Powder Company
Camping and camp cooking
Frank A. Bates
Home labor saving devices
Rhea C. Scott
Something about sugar : Its history, growth, manufacture and distribution
George M. Rolph
The cult of the chafing dish
Frank Schloesser
Kokki-kirja : elikkä Neuvoja tarpeellisempien Joka-aikaisten Pitoruokien Laitokseen (Finnish)
The ladies' complete guide to crochet, fancy knitting, and needlework
Ann S. Stephens
Left-over foods and how to use them : with suggestions regarding the preservation of foods in the home
Elizabeth O. Hiller
What to eat and when
Susanna Cocroft
The plums of New York
U. P. Hedrick
Family fare : food management and recipes
United States. Agricultural Research Service. Human Nutrition Research Division, United States. Agricultural Research Service. Consumer and Food Economics Research Division, and Institute of Home Economics
The book of hats and caps
M. Elliott
Home-made cider vinegar
Walter G. Sackett
Modern cookery for private families
Eliza Acton
Betty Crocker picture cooky book
Betty Crocker and Inc. General Mills
Tea, its history and mystery
Joseph M. Walsh
The art and mystery of curing, preserving, and potting all kinds of meats, game, and fish; also, the art of pickling and the preservation of fruits and vegetables
Royal fruit gelatin suggestions
Royal Baking Powder Company
The curiosities of food : or, The dainties and delicacies of different nations obtained from the animal kingdom
P. L. Simmonds
Displaying results 1–25