Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Cook's Oracle; and Housekeeper's Manual William Kitchiner
Cocoa and Chocolate: Their History from Plantation to Consumer Arthur William Knapp
Gel It! Easy Ways to be a Spectacular Cook Inc. Knox Gelatine
Der Tabak: Studien über seine Kultur und Biologie (German) C. J. Koning
A Dissertation upon Roast Pig Charles Lamb
The Art of Confectionary Edward Lambert
My Crochet Sampler Miss Lambert
Commentario de le piu notabili, & mostruose cose d'Italia, & di altri luoghi di lingua aramea in Italiana tradotto, nelquale si impara, & prendesi estremo piacere (Italian) Ortensio Landi
All About Dogs: A Book for Doggy People Charles Henry Lane
Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-Bee: A Bee Keeper's Manual L. L. Langstroth
How to Prepare and Serve a Meal; and Interior Decoration Lillian B. Lansdown
Il piccolo focolare: Ricette di cucina per la massaia economa (Italian) Giulia Lazzari-Turco
Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers Elizabeth E. Lea
Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers Elizabeth E. Lea
Seasoning Suggestions Lea & Perrins Limited
A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband with Bettina's Best Recipes Helen Cowles LeCron and Louise Bennett Weaver
Making Fermented Pickles Edwin LeFevre
Desserts and Salads Gesine Lemcke
Gift Card Designing Pedro J. Lemos
Miss Leslie's Lady's New Receipt-Book, 3rd ed. Eliza Leslie
Miss Leslie's New Cookery Book Eliza Leslie
Miss Leslie's Complete Cookery Eliza Leslie
Seventy-Five Receipts for Pastry, Cakes and Sweetmeats, by Miss Leslie Eliza Leslie
Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches Eliza Leslie
12 Pies Husbands Like Best: Aunt Jenny's Recipe Book Lever Brothers Company