Books in Browsing: History - European (sorted by popularity)
The Waterloo Campaign, 1815 William Siborne 237 downloads
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 01 (di 15) (Italian) Cesare Cantù 237 downloads
History of Greece, Volume 12 (of 12) George Grote 237 downloads
The historians' history of the world in twenty-five volumes, volume 07 : the history of the later Roman Empire 236 downloads
Geschichte des Zeitalters der Entdeckungen (German) Sophus Ruge 236 downloads
The Two Great Retreats of History George Grote and comte de Philippe-Paul Ségur 236 downloads
The Mystery of Mary Stuart Andrew Lang 236 downloads
The Boys' Nelson Harold Wheeler 236 downloads
Around the Black Sea William Eleroy Curtis 236 downloads
Best Stories of the 1914 European War Various 236 downloads
Louis Philippe John S. C. Abbott 236 downloads
Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile, Volume 1 (of 5) James Bruce 236 downloads
Spanish Life in Town and Country L. Higgin and Eugène E. Street 236 downloads
Castles and Chateaux of Old Burgundy M. F. Mansfield 236 downloads
Die dreizehn Bücher der deutschen Seele (German) Wilhelm Schäfer 236 downloads
The Modern Regime, Volume 2 Hippolyte Taine 235 downloads
Europe in the Sixteenth Century, 1494-1598, Fifth Edition A. H. Johnson 235 downloads
Origins of the 'Forty-five : and other papers relating to that rising 235 downloads
The Two First Centuries of Florentine History Pasquale Villari 235 downloads
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898, Volume 42, 1670-1700 235 downloads
La Germanie (French) (Latin) Cornelius Tacitus 235 downloads
Florence historique, monumentale, artistique (French) Marcel Niké 234 downloads
Portugal of the Portuguese Aubrey F. G. Bell 234 downloads
The Egyptian campaigns, 1882 to 1885 Charles Royle 234 downloads
Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 F. Marion Crawford 234 downloads