Books in Browsing: History - General (sorted by popularity)
Amitié amoureuse (French) Hermine Oudinot Lecomte du Noüy 436 downloads
In Ghostly Japan Lafcadio Hearn 435 downloads
The Sea: Its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, & Heroism. Volume 4 Frederick Whymper 435 downloads
Storia degli Italiani, vol. 11 (di 15) (Italian) Cesare Cantù 435 downloads
The Pirates Own Book Charles Ellms 435 downloads
The Chronicles of Crime or The New Newgate Calendar. v. 2/2 Camden Pelham 435 downloads
Como eu atravessei Àfrica do Atlantico ao mar Indico, volume segundo (Portuguese) Alexandre Alberto da Rocha de Serpa Pinto 435 downloads
Die Philippinen und ihre Bewohner (German) C. Semper 434 downloads
The Complete English Tradesman (1839 ed.) Daniel Defoe 434 downloads
In the South Seas Robert Louis Stevenson 434 downloads
Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times John Stewart Milne 434 downloads
The War That Will End War H. G. Wells 434 downloads
Memoirs of General Lafayette Samuel L. Knapp 434 downloads
Ultima Thule; or, A Summer in Iceland. vol. 2/2 Sir Richard Francis Burton 433 downloads
Los ingenios: (Spanish) J. G. Cantero 433 downloads
A History of English Versification J. Schipper 432 downloads
Across China on Foot Edwin John Dingle 432 downloads
The 116th Battalion in France E. P. S. Allen 431 downloads
The Grandissimes George Washington Cable 431 downloads
Aus meinem Leben (German) Paul von Hindenburg 431 downloads
The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-12 — Volume 1 and Volume 2 Roald Amundsen 431 downloads
Great African Travellers: From Mungo Park to Livingstone and Stanley William Henry Giles Kingston 431 downloads
China and the Chinese Herbert Allen Giles 431 downloads
The Diary of John Evelyn (Volume 2 of 2) John Evelyn 430 downloads
From Edinburgh to India & Burmah W. G. Burn Murdoch 429 downloads