Books in Browsing: Humour (sorted alphabetically)
I Pose Stella Benson
Irishman's Difficulties with the Dutch Language J. Irwin Brown
Irish Wit and Humor Anonymous
Irvin Cobb, His Book: Various
Isaac Bickerstaff, Physician and Astrologer Sir Richard Steele
Israel Rank : The autobiography of a criminal Roy Horniman
It pays to advertise : A farcical fact in three acts Roi Cooper Megrue and Walter Hackett
Jack and Jill and Old Dame Gill Anonymous
Jack and the Bean-Stalk: English Hexameters Baron Hallam Tennyson Tennyson
Jack and the Check Book John Kendrick Bangs
Jack Henderson on tipping Benj. F. Cobb
Jack the Giant Killer Percival Leigh
Jargon File, Version 2.9.10, 01 Jul 1992
Jargon File, Version 4.0.0, 24 Jul 1996
Jargon File, Version 4.2.2, 20 Aug 2000
Jeppe Niilonpoika eli Talonpojan ihmeelliset seikkailut (Finnish) Ludvig Holberg
Jeppe sur la Monto; aŭ la Transformita Kamparano (Esperanto) Ludvig Holberg
Jest Book Mark Lemon
Jeunes-France: romans goguenards; suivis de Contes humoristiques (French) Théophile Gautier
Jiglets: A series of sidesplitting gyrations reeled off— Walter Jones
Jill the Reckless P. G. Wodehouse
Jingle Book Carolyn Wells
Jobsiade: Ein komisches Heldengedicht in drei Teilen (German) Karl Arnold Kortum
Jocus és Momus (Hungarian) Mór Jókai
Joe Carson's Weapon James R. Adams