Books in Browsing: Literature (sorted alphabetically)
aldea perdida (Spanish) Armando Palacio Valdés
Al de Kinderliederen (Dutch) J. P. Heije
Alden the Pony Express rider : or, Racing for life Edward Sylvester Ellis
Al di là: romanzo (Italian) Alfredo Oriani
Aldo le rimeur (French) George Sand
Aldyth's inheritance Eglanton Thorne
Alec Forbes of Howglen George MacDonald
Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher Eleanor Gates
alegres comares de Windsor (Catalan) William Shakespeare
alegría del capitán Ribot (Spanish) Armando Palacio Valdés
Alembic Plot: A Terran Empire novel Ann Wilson
Aleph, the Chaldean; or, the Messiah as Seen from Alexandria E. F. Burr
Alessandro Manzoni, Studio Biografico (Italian) Angelo De Gubernatis
Aletta: A Tale of the Boer Invasion Bertram Mitford
Alewijn, de Lijfeigene: Historisch verhaal uit de 12e eeuw (Dutch) E. Molt
Alexander Pope Leslie Stephen
Alexander's Bridge Willa Cather
Alexander's Bridge Willa Cather
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Manoel Caldas Cordeiro
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Jaime de Magalhães Lima
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Diogo Rosa Machado
Alexis Kivi och hans roman "Seitsemän veljestä" (Swedish) Arvid Mörne
Alex the Great H. C. Witwer
Alfabet européen appliqué aux langues asiatiques (French) C.-F. Volney
alföldi vadászok tanyája: Regény (Hungarian) báró Frigyes Podmaniczky