Books in Browsing: Nutrition (sorted alphabetically by author)
- How to Eat: A Cure for "Nerves" Thomas C. Hinkle
- British Pomology Robert Hogg
- Crimson Clover [1947] E. A. Hollowell
- Crimson Clover [1938] E. A. Hollowell
- The Care and Feeding of Children L. Emmett Holt
- The Farm That Won't Wear Out Cyril G. Hopkins
- The Pecan and its Culture H. Harold Hume
- A Handbook of Health Woods Hutchinson
- Food Poisoning Edwin O. Jordan
- The Plus Food for Minus Meals Kellogg Company
- Science in the Kitchen E. E. Kellogg
- Foods and Household Management: A Textbook of the Household Arts Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley
- The Art of Invigorating and Prolonging Life William Kitchiner
- So sollt ihr leben! Winke und Rathschläge für Gesunde und Kranke... (German) Sebastian Kneipp
- The Frugal Life: A Paradox Ortensio Landi
- Veien til Skjønhed, Sundhed og et Langt Liv (Norwegian) Boyd Laynard
- A vénülés elhárítása és az élet meghosszabbítása (Hungarian) Arnold Lorand
- Old Age Deferred Arnold Lorand
- Food in War Time Graham Lusk
- Contagious Abortion of Cows Ward J. MacNeal
- Margaret Mahaney Talks About Turkeys Margaret Mahaney
- The married woman's private medical companion : embracing the treatment of menstruation, or monthly turns, during their stoppage, irregularity, or entire suppression. Pregnancy, and how it may be determined; with the treatment of its various diseases. Discovery to prevent pregnancy; its great and important necessity where malformation or inability exists to give birth. To prevent miscarriage or abortion. When proper and necessary to effect miscarriage. When attended with entire safety. Causes and mode of cure of barrenness, or sterility. A. M. Mauriceau
- Health, Happiness, and Longevity Louis Philippe McCarty
- Overweight and Underweight Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
- Why I Am a Vegetarian J. Howard Moore