Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
Sechs Vorträge über ausgewählte Gegenstände aus der reinen Mathematik und mathematischen Physik (German) (French) Henri Poincaré
The New Physics and Its Evolution Lucien Poincaré
Mémoire sur les avantages qu'il y auroit à changer absolument la nourriture des gens de mer (French) Antoine Poissonnier-Desperrières and chevalier de La Coudraye
The flowering plants of South Africa; vol. 4 I. B. Pole Evans
The flowering plants of South Africa; vol. 3 I. B. Pole Evans
Engineering reminiscences contributed to "Power" and "American machinist" Charles T. Porter
Wild beasts : A study of the characters and habits of the elephant, lion, leopard, panther, jaguar, tiger, puma, wolf, and grizzly bear J. Hampden Porter
The Road and the Roadside Burton Willis Potter
Mammals of Mount Rainier National Park Merlin K. Potts and Russell K. Grater
William Harvey Sir D'Arcy Power
The Toxins and Venoms and Their Antibodies M. Emm. Pozzi-Escot
Aspects of plant life; with special reference to the British flora R. Lloyd Praeger
Two Years Among New Guinea Cannibals A. E. Pratt
Taxidermy Leon Luther Pray
On the Origin of Clockwork, Perpetual Motion Devices, and the Compass Derek J. de Solla Price
Illogical Geology, the Weakest Point in the Evolution Theory George McCready Price
Experiments and Observations on Different Kinds of Air Joseph Priestley
A discourse on the theory of gunnery Sir John Pringle
Half-hours with the Telescope Richard A. Proctor
Rough Ways Made Smooth: A series of familiar essays on scientific subjects Richard A. Proctor
Flowers of the Sky Richard A. Proctor
Pleasant Ways in Science Richard A. Proctor
Light Science for Leisure Hours Richard A. Proctor
Myths and Marvels of Astronomy Richard A. Proctor
The Project Gutenberg Web Pages Project Gutenberg