Books in Browsing: Teaching & Education (sorted alphabetically)
Greek Primer: For Beginners in New Testament Greek Wallace N. Stearns
Gretchen Reinwalds letztes Schuljahr: Eine Erzählung für Mädchen von 13-16 Jahren (German) Agnes Sapper
Guide to Methods and Observation in History Calvin Olin Davis
Guide to Reading — the Pocket University Volume XXIII
Guide to the Kindergarten and Intermediate Class; and Moral Culture of Infancy. Elizabeth Palmer Peabody and Mary Tyler Peabody Mann
Haliburton primer M. W. Haliburton
Handbook for Latin Clubs Susan Paxson
Handbook of Illustration A. Horsley Hinton
handbook of library appliances James Duff Brown
Hand-book of punctuation : with instructions for capitalization, letter-writing, and proof-reading William Johnson Cocker
Handbook of the English Language R. G. Latham
Handbook of the new Library of Congress
Handbook of The New York Public Library New York Public Library
Handbook of violin playing Carl Schroeder
Hand-Craft: The Most Reliable Basis of Technical Education in Schools and Classes John D. Sutcliffe
Handicaps of Childhood H. Addington Bruce
Handicraft for boys A. Frederick Collins
Hard Times Charles Dickens
Harry F. Marks Catalogue No. 4, 1919 Harry F. Marks
Harry Watson's High School Days; Or, The Rivals of Rivertown Frank V. Webster
harum-scarum schoolgirl Angela Brazil
Harvard episodes Charles Macomb Flandrau
Haslemere Museum Gazette, Vol. 1, No. 2, June 1906 Various
Head of Kay's P. G. Wodehouse
Health and Education Charles Kingsley