Books in Browsing: Travel & Geography (sorted alphabetically)
- Down the Orinoco in a Canoe Santiago Pérez Triana
- Down the Rhine; Or, Young America in Germany Oliver Optic
- Down the River to the Sea Agnes Maule Machar
- Down the Yellowstone Lewis R. Freeman
- Down Under with the Prince Everard Cotes
- Dragons and Cherry Blossoms Alice A. Parmelee Morris
- Dragon's blood Henry Milner Rideout
- Drake's Great Armada Walter Bigges
- Drake's Road Book of the Grand Junction Railway active 1825 James Drake
- Drama in Mexico. (German) Jules Verne
- Drama of the Forests: Romance and Adventure Arthur Heming
- drame au Labrador (French) Vinceslas-Eugène Dick
- Drawings of Old London Philip Norman
- Dream of the North Sea James Runciman
- Dream of the North Sea James Runciman
- Dreamy Hollow : a Long Island romance Sumner Charles Britton
- Dresden und die Sächsische Schweiz (German) Sophus Ruge
- Dr. Grenfell's Parish: The Deep Sea Fisherman Norman Duncan
- Droll stories of Isthmian life Evelyn Saxton
- Dr. Stearns's Tour from London to Paris Samuel Stearns
- Du Cameroun au Caire par le désert de Libye : chasses au Tchad (French) Bruneau de Laborie
- Due North; or, Glimpses of Scandinavia and Russia Maturin M. Ballou
- Due South; or, Cuba Past and Present Maturin M. Ballou
- Due West; Or, Round the World in Ten Months Maturin M. Ballou
- Dukeries Murray Gilchrist