Books about Spiritualism (sorted alphabetically)
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Astral World—Higher Occult Powers Joel Tiffany
Book Written by the Spirits of the So-Called Dead
Case Against Spirit Photographs C. Vincent Patrick and W. Whately Smith
case against spiritualism Jane T. Stoddart
Case for Spirit Photography Arthur Conan Doyle
Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism A. Alpheus
Death-Blow to Spiritualism: Being the True Story of the Fox Sisters Reuben Briggs Davenport
defence of modern spiritualism Alfred Russel Wallace
Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations Robert Hare
From India to the planet Mars: A study of a case of somnambulism with glossolalia Théodore Flournoy
Henkimaailman salaisuuksia (Finnish) Birger Schöldström
Hours with the Ghosts or, Nineteenth Century Witchcraft Henry Ridgely Evans
How to thought-read F.A.S. Ph.D. James Coates
Hydesville Thomas Olman Todd
Immortality proved by the testimony of sense : In which is contemplated the doctrine of spectres and the existence of a particular spectre Abraham Cummings
Is Spiritualism Based on Fraud? Joseph McCabe
Magician Among the Spirits Harry Houdini
Making of Religion Andrew Lang
Materialized apparitions : if not beings from another life, what are they Edward Augustus Brackett
Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism A. Leah Underhill
Modern Spiritualism Uriah Smith
Mrs. Piper & the Society for Psychical Research Michael Sage
My experiences while out of my body : and my return after many days Cora L. V. Richmond
Mysterious Psychic Forces Camille Flammarion
New Revelation Arthur Conan Doyle
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