Books about Didactic fiction (sorted alphabetically)
- Nine-Tenths James Oppenheim
- North and South Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
- Nuoren naisen kohtalo (Finnish) Theodor Fontane
- Octopus : A Story of California Frank Norris
- Old Curiosity Shop Charles Dickens
- Old Curiosity Shop Charles Dickens
- Old Gorgon Graham George Horace Lorimer
- Onkel Tom's Hütte : oder die Geschichte eines christlichen Sklaven. Band 1 (von 3). (German) Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Onkel Tom's Hütte : oder die Geschichte eines christlichen Sklaven. Band 3 (von 3). (German) Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Onkel Toms Hytte (Norwegian) Harriet Beecher Stowe
- pair of blue eyes Thomas Hardy
- pair of blue eyes Thomas Hardy
- Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded Samuel Richardson
- Pamela vainottuna (Finnish) Samuel Richardson
- Pamela, Volume II Samuel Richardson
- Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
- Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
- Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
- Picture of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde
- pit : a story of Chicago Frank Norris
- Plum Tree David Graham Phillips
- portrait de Dorian Gray (French) Oscar Wilde
- portret van Dorian Gray (Dutch) Oscar Wilde
- Pride and His Prisoners A. L. O. E.
- püspök lelke : Regény nagyon kevés szerelemmel, a lelkiismeretről és vallásról és az életnek igazi bonyodalmairól (Hungarian) H. G. Wells