Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Grand Old Man Richard B. Cook
In and Out of Rebel Prisons A. Cooper
Ned Myers, or, a Life Before the Mast James Fenimore Cooper
The triumphs of perseverance and enterprise, recorded as examples for the young Thomas Cooper
A Sketch of the Life of the late Henry Cooper William Cooper
The Life and Work of William Tindale William Barrett Cooper
Cottage scenes during the cholera William Isaac Coppard
Paul Cézanne (French) Gustave Coquiot
Rodin à l'hotel de Biron et à Meudon (French) Gustave Coquiot
Lautrec; ou, Quinze ans de mœurs Parisiennes, 1885-1900 (French) Gustave Coquiot
Monk Julian Stafford Corbett
O Marquez de Pombal (folheto para poucos) (Portuguese) Manoel Caldas Cordeiro
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Manoel Caldas Cordeiro
Le Cardinal de Richelieu (French) Hyacinthe Corne
Journal of Dr. Elias Cornelius, a Revolutionary Surgeon Elias Cornelius
Charles Lamb: A Memoir Barry Cornwall
Reminiscences of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey Joseph Cottle
George Washington Calista McCabe Courtenay
Addison William John Courthope
Mémoires de Mr. d'Artagnan (French) Gatien Courtilz de Sandras
Madame de Longueville: La Jeunesse de Madame de Longueville (French) Victor Cousin
Madame de Chevreuse (French) Victor Cousin
George Eliot Centenary, November 1919 Coventry . Public Libraries Committee
From Lower Deck to Pulpit Henry Cowling
The Works of William Cowper William Cowper