Books in Browsing: Cooking & Drinking (sorted alphabetically by author)
Good Things to Eat as Suggested by Rufus Rufus Estes
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets John Evelyn
Soup and Soup Making Emma P. Ewing
Field, Forest and Farm Jean-Henri Fabre
Mushrooms : how to grow them. A practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure William Falconer
The Boston cooking-school cook book Fannie Merritt Farmer
The garden as a picture Beatrix Farrand
El cocinero de su majestad: Memorias del tiempo de Felipe III (Spanish) Manuel Fernández y González
Spices, Their Histories: Valuable Information for Grocers Robert O. Fielding
The Delmonico Cook Book: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It, and How to Serve It. Alexander Filippini
Food and Flavor: A Gastronomic Guide to Health and Good Living Henry T. Finck
Mother Hubbard's cupboard: Recipes collected by the Young Ladies' Society, First Baptist Church, Rochester N.Y. Fourth Edition N.Y.). Young Ladies' Society First Baptist Church (Rochester
Recipes Tried and True Ohio). Ladies' Aid Society First Presbyterian Church (Marion
The Cookery Blue Book First Unitarian Society of San Francisco. Society for Christian Work
The Book of Husbandry Anthony Fitzherbert
The Candy Maker's Guide Fletcher Manufacturing Company
Milch Cows and Dairy Farming Charles Louis Flint
Cookery for Little Girls Olive Hyde Foster
Fowler's Household Helps Arthur L. Fowler
Memoria sobre as diversas salgas da sardinha (Portuguese) Clemente Ferreira França
A Plain Cookery Book for the Working Classes Charles Elmé Francatelli
Tea Leaves Francis H. Leggett & Co.
La nouvelle cuisinière bourgeoise: Plaisirs de la table et soucis du ménage (French) Franc-Nohain
Baker's Coconut Recipes Franklin Baker Co.
The Story of Milk Johan Ditlev Frederiksen