Books about Diary fiction (sorted by popularity)
Star, Bright Mark Clifton 128 downloads
Polly the Pagan: Her Lost Love Letters Isabel Anderson 128 downloads
The Wasted Generation Owen Johnson 121 downloads
The Real Diary of a Real Boy Henry A. Shute 120 downloads
The Altar Fire Arthur Christopher Benson 119 downloads
Elämän pyörteissä (Finnish) Fru Gudda Behrend 116 downloads
Love in a Muddle Christine Jope-Slade 114 downloads
La nuit tombe... (French) Henri Ardel 114 downloads
Brite and Fair Henry A. Shute 110 downloads
At the Age of Eve Kate Trimble Sharber 109 downloads
The Heart of Una Sackville Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey 107 downloads
Genevra; or, the history of a portrait G. G. Fairfield 106 downloads
Miss Con Agnes Giberne 104 downloads
"... Mutta -- naivat tummaverisiä" (Finnish) Anita Loos 104 downloads
The Journal of Countess Françoise Krasinska, Great Grandmother of Victor Emmanuel Klementyna Tańska-Hoffmanowa 102 downloads
Charley's Log: A Story of Schoolboy Life Emma Leslie 100 downloads
Tarpeeton ihminen (Finnish) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev 100 downloads
With a Vengeance J. B. Woodley 100 downloads
Tagebuch eines bösen Buben (German) Metta Victoria Fuller Victor 98 downloads
"Herrat pitävät vaaleaverisistä" : Tuloillaan elävän naisen valaiseva päiväkirja (Finnish) Anita Loos 97 downloads
The Annals of Ann Kate Trimble Sharber 96 downloads
The Luck of the Dudley Grahams Alice Calhoun Haines 96 downloads
Three Sides of Paradise Green Augusta Huiell Seaman 95 downloads
Self Portrait Bernard Wolfe 95 downloads
The Diary of Philip Westerly Paul Compton 95 downloads